Saturday, April 4, 2015

Bathroom Paint Ideas For Small Bathrooms

Small Bathroom
Copyright purites @ flickr
When you are trying to paint your bathroom, you will often find the paint choices you have can be limited at times. However, if you are trying to paint your small bathroom the choice is not only limited, but invaluable that you make the right selection. If you make the wrong choice in your bathroom paint, with a smaller bathroom, it can be devastating because it will take your already small and cramped bathroom and turn it into something that can be claustrophobic. To avoid this, you need to have some paint ideas that will help your small bathroom make it seem like it is the largest room in the home. Here is some advice that will help you select the right paint for your bathroom.

Color Choice Matters 

Choosing the right color is very important for people to make when they have a small bathroom. As we already mentioned if you select the wrong color, your bathroom is going to feel like it is collapsing in on you. However, selecting the right color will make it easier for you to find the right color and know it is going to work for your bathroom.

bright color choices
Light and elegant colors are going to work great in the small bathroom. Now, you may think that you can use a black and gray combination, but you need to realize this is not always the case. In fact, a lot of times you will want to have a gray and white combination or even avoid the gray all together would be a great option. However, if you start to use the lighter colors, you will find it is going to provide you with the great looking bathroom that you want, but also make it feel like the bathroom is full of life and love. 

Color Coordination 

This is the issue that a lot of people have. They will have a brilliant color on the walls, but when it comes time to make the tile on the floor look great, they completely overlook the fact the tiles need to be bright as well. So you should try to keep the same theme and coordination going on for all of the different paints in the bathroom. If you do change any of the colors in the room, you could have problems with the room looking out of place and odd. So you need to make sure you look at the different colors of the tiles and the paints that you are planning on using.

By having the colors coordinated with each other, you will have an easier time in getting the room to match, but also taking the smaller room and making it look large. When you do coordinate these colors, you may not want to have them the exact same, though, as this will not allow you to have the off set you want to have. By having the off set in colors, even if it is slight you will have a chance to see the colors and know they are going to look great no matter what you do.

Trim Is A Thing To Consider

Bathroom wall trim
Copyright Ken Dyukc @ Flickr
A commonly overlooked item is the trim of a bathroom. Yes, the wood is a great color and often a nice feature to have. However, when you have a small bathroom and are trying to make it look larger you need to make sure you paint the trim as well. The paint color you would want to use would be more of a balancing act between the tiles and the walls. So you would want to consider this more of a transition style of color. 

With this acting like a balancing act, it will be easier for you to get the size overlooked in the bathroom. You will also find the bathroom is going to look a lot larger than what you think. So you will not have to be concerned about your bathroom going from a nice looking color that is meant to make it look good, to having the wood trim or off color trim that is slipping it back into the small realm and making your bathroom seem like it is so small that nothing will fit in it. 

Natural Light Can Help

An aspect that can really add a unique element to your bathroom is going to be the natural light you can have streaming in through the windows. This type of light is not the typical light you would normally see, but instead it is the light that comes in through the window and is not controlled by the flip of a switch. With the natural light, it is going to add different elements for you to consider, but when you are considering these elements you need to make sure you know how they are going to impact the way the bathroom looks. 

When you are trying to evaluate the natural lighting you need to make sure you check out the different daylight times with the lighting in the bathroom. This way you will have a good idea on how the bathroom will look with the paint you are thinking about using and knowing how the sunlight is going to impact the look of the bathroom. 

A small bathroom is never fun to have to deal with. It never fails the smaller bathrooms are going to always seem like they are cramped and can easily make you feel like you are claustrophobic or going into a public restroom all the time. To avoid this problem, you can use paint to help you out. You just need to make sure you have some advice to guarantee you avoid some of the common mistakes that are present when you use paint to help make your small bathroom appear to be larger. 

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